Hello! in this instance I talks about the idea of taking a postgraduate course, well I would like very much to do it but at the moment I am just focused on finishing the university and have time to do other things, how to work, travel or simply rest, first I want to finish the university and I think that I would like to study in the future.
I think I would like to study something abroad but in Latino America or also in Chile, I would like to do it in Latino America because I think it is important to have similar contexts, for example, I think that things that happen in Europa have very different factors than those that are present here in Chile, I think that maybe the factors are more similar to Latino American countries, I would also like a theme focused on children and teenagers, specifically in abuse since it is the area that I like.
I think the main reason for doing further courses is because I would love to specialize in these subjects, have more tools to help children and teenagers better, and it is something that catches my attention.
On the other hand, I would not like it to be a distance learning, I prefer to go to face-to-face classes and it would be ideal part time because I could do other things as well. However, this is something I don't think now because when I finish the university these would not be my plans, or at least not what I have in mind now.


  1. Also the only thing I know that is that I want to work with children. Ah! and also that I do not want to study immediately haha, time to time...

  2. Fine! the topic of abuse in children and teenagers is very interesting and coat is very important in the work with children in clinical psychology. Good luck with your plans!


  3. I agree that we have to study in Latin America, we have similar contexts and there is much we do not know about some Latin American countries!


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