Hello! This time I will talk about the topic "animals".
Since I was very small I love animals, I remember that in my house we usually had many cats, I had a cat that was always pregnant and had many small kittens, I loved the small kittens because they were very playful and ran around the house, all my life I have had cats and now I also have a cat but she is operated so she don’t have kittens. I remember that only once did I have a dog but after him never again. I think that my favorite animals are the cats, although I would like to have a rabbit, it could be in the future. I love the cats because they are very independent but always want love (although some are elusive), also I consider them very beautiful.
The truth is that I do not like exotic pets, maybe because I have never had and it does not attract my attention.
I don’t like zoos because they have the animals in bad conditions and locked in very small spaces, when I was little I loved going to the zoo to see all the animals but now I don’t like to go much, I feel sad, and If I had children I don’t know if I would take them, I would have to think about it at the time.    
As for the rodeos, I don’t like it at all and I do not share anything that happens there, I feel it does not make much sense, it is just increasing the stress of the animals.


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