
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2018
Hello! This time I will talk about the topic "animals". Since I was very small I love animals, I remember that in my house we usually had many cats, I had a cat that was always pregnant and had many small kittens, I loved the small kittens because they were very playful and ran around the house, all my life I have had cats and now I also have a cat but she is operated so she don’t have kittens. I remember that only once did I have a dog but after him never again. I think that my favorite animals are the cats, although I would like to have a rabbit, it could be in the future. I love the cats because they are very independent but always want love (although some are elusive), also I consider them very beautiful. The truth is that I do not like exotic pets, maybe because I have never had and it does not attract my attention. I don’t like zoos because they have the animals in bad conditions and locked in very small spaces, when I was little I loved going to the zoo to see al
Hello! in this instance I talks about the idea of taking a postgraduate course, well I would like very much to do it but at the moment I am just focused on finishing the university and have time to do other things, how to work, travel or simply rest, first I want to finish the university and I think that I would like to study in the future. I think I would like to study something abroad but in Latino America or also in Chile, I would like to do it in Latino America because I think it is important to have similar contexts, for example, I think that things that happen in Europa have very different factors than those that are present here in Chile, I think that maybe the factors are more similar to Latino American countries, I would also like a theme focused on children and teenagers, specifically in abuse since it is the area that I like. I think the main reason for doing further courses is because I would love to specialize in these subjects, have more tools to help children and teenag
Well, in these moments I am studying psychology and I am almost finishing, I feel that I have more or less clear what I would like to do or what I want to focus on, I want to focus on child and adolescent psychology because I love working with children, I feel that childhood is a very important stage for all of us because it gives us guidelines on how to relate later, for the same reason I would like to be a contribution in this area. The other year we should take a diploma and I want to take it in child and adolescent clinical psychology. I do not know very well where I would like to work but I am struck by the centers for the repair of damages / maltreatment in children and young people, and I feel I could not travel much if I get a job like that jajaj, on the other hand I have not thought much about salary. However, I feel that I still do not know much about the areas where I could work since I do not know them in practice, for the same reason I think that practice will really hel
Hello, today I will talk about my favorite music! To begin with I don’t think I have a favorite type of music, or maybe I don’t like such a marked gender, I think it depends a lot on the situation in which I find myself but usually the music that I like is indie rock, indie pop, pop, etc, I really like the music in Spanish and not so much the bands that sing in English, most of the groups that I like are Chilenos, however I also like some Españoles, Argentinos, or Latin American artists in general. I remember that when I was little I liked music in English very much, like Rihanna, Lady Gaga or artists of that style but in a moment I started to be interested in Chilean music and I met many artists that I love, I also started to investigate other artists like Bomba Estereo, La Otra, Nathy Peluso, etc. I have not really attended many concerts of these artists, although I have assisted those who have the cheapest entrance, or when they play in open places of Santiago, such as plaza