
Hello! today I will talk about my experience and learning in english, it has always been very difficult for me to learn english, in the school my english level was very bad and I feel that now it has improved a bit but only a little. In the university I had to take all the english courses, from the first level and the truth is that I am already a little bored, I feel that I have learned a lot but I am still missing. The blogs have seemed very entertaining, the truth is that I feel that I learn a lot in this way, write and also the vocabulary, I believe that in general I need to improve many aspects in my english, either write, read, learn to many words, talk, I think I should improve all this but I do not know how to do this either, I think that the best way is hear music in english or watch movies with english subtitles, If at any time I am motivated, I will do this to improve. However, I do not usually hear music in english so I don´t have frequent contact with english, that is why
Hello! Today I am speak about some changes that could be made in my career. First, I must say that many times the subjects are used to have more in the curriculum, I consider that a few subjects are unnecessary and these don´t make sense, maybe that has to do with the duration of career, in my experience academic I think that some teachers are not interested in the subjects and yet there these continue in the curriculum, I consider that the situation should change. In general , I consider that the workload are in the line of each the subjects, but I thinks that the career needs to make practices in different places for knowing how we will work in the future. In respect of the infrastructure, I consider that even if have been built great buildings rarely the students use these, when we have classes in facso really the rooms are small and warm, when you have classes in a hot afternoon really you don´t want to be in a room. Well, the technology is the truth that I do not like it much
Hello! I will talk about the plans for this summer. I want to go to the south, it is been a long time since I visited the south of Chile, but during the year I have not worked so I do not have much money. At one point I thought about working part of the summer but the truth is that I want to rest, It has been a very exhausting year and the other year I will do the practice then it will be even more exhausting, so I prefer to rest and take advantage of the holidays. With a group of friends we decided to go south, and go some places, camping or staying in a cabin, everything depends on the money we can have, I do not care much where to go I just want to go on vacation, have fun, relax and be with my friends, I think it's a well-deserved rest jaja. On the other hand, I have not thought about activities to do during the summer, I think I do not want to do many activities, I just want to rest. My plans are to finish the practice and then work on anything and raise money to make a
Hello! This time I will talk about the topic "animals". Since I was very small I love animals, I remember that in my house we usually had many cats, I had a cat that was always pregnant and had many small kittens, I loved the small kittens because they were very playful and ran around the house, all my life I have had cats and now I also have a cat but she is operated so she don’t have kittens. I remember that only once did I have a dog but after him never again. I think that my favorite animals are the cats, although I would like to have a rabbit, it could be in the future. I love the cats because they are very independent but always want love (although some are elusive), also I consider them very beautiful. The truth is that I do not like exotic pets, maybe because I have never had and it does not attract my attention. I don’t like zoos because they have the animals in bad conditions and locked in very small spaces, when I was little I loved going to the zoo to see al
Hello! in this instance I talks about the idea of taking a postgraduate course, well I would like very much to do it but at the moment I am just focused on finishing the university and have time to do other things, how to work, travel or simply rest, first I want to finish the university and I think that I would like to study in the future. I think I would like to study something abroad but in Latino America or also in Chile, I would like to do it in Latino America because I think it is important to have similar contexts, for example, I think that things that happen in Europa have very different factors than those that are present here in Chile, I think that maybe the factors are more similar to Latino American countries, I would also like a theme focused on children and teenagers, specifically in abuse since it is the area that I like. I think the main reason for doing further courses is because I would love to specialize in these subjects, have more tools to help children and teenag
Well, in these moments I am studying psychology and I am almost finishing, I feel that I have more or less clear what I would like to do or what I want to focus on, I want to focus on child and adolescent psychology because I love working with children, I feel that childhood is a very important stage for all of us because it gives us guidelines on how to relate later, for the same reason I would like to be a contribution in this area. The other year we should take a diploma and I want to take it in child and adolescent clinical psychology. I do not know very well where I would like to work but I am struck by the centers for the repair of damages / maltreatment in children and young people, and I feel I could not travel much if I get a job like that jajaj, on the other hand I have not thought much about salary. However, I feel that I still do not know much about the areas where I could work since I do not know them in practice, for the same reason I think that practice will really hel
Hello, today I will talk about my favorite music! To begin with I don’t think I have a favorite type of music, or maybe I don’t like such a marked gender, I think it depends a lot on the situation in which I find myself but usually the music that I like is indie rock, indie pop, pop, etc, I really like the music in Spanish and not so much the bands that sing in English, most of the groups that I like are Chilenos, however I also like some Españoles, Argentinos, or Latin American artists in general. I remember that when I was little I liked music in English very much, like Rihanna, Lady Gaga or artists of that style but in a moment I started to be interested in Chilean music and I met many artists that I love, I also started to investigate other artists like Bomba Estereo, La Otra, Nathy Peluso, etc. I have not really attended many concerts of these artists, although I have assisted those who have the cheapest entrance, or when they play in open places of Santiago, such as plaza